This time of year is all about looking within yourself. A time when we brush aside the day to day hustle, bustle and grind of life in the 21st century to take a deep breath and do some serious soul searching. Instead of concentrating on everything we need, or how everything should be, concentrate on what we have and how fortunate we really are.

This year I am feeling considerably more thankful than I have in the past. I'm reaching the end of what I would consider a successful year, and even though things could always be better the good has outweighed the bad. I did lose my Grandmother and have had some other painful moments that have tested me in various ways, but when I look at the big picture I am incredibly fortunate. I could list all the things I am thankful for, but that would be long winded and boring to read. What I will do is tell you what I am
most thankful for. Being that this is a music blog first and everything else second, I would like to give thanks to the one constant I have had in my life since my first memory. The one thing in this world that supplies me with endless enjoyment, reflection, productivity, therapy, creativity and an income.
I would like to give thanks to music and reflect on just how lucky I am that my life revolves around it, and that I have been welcomed into what I consider a huge family of incredibly talented people in the best music city in the world.
Music is my life. I can't find any other way to put it. Whether I am listening to it, creating it, playing it to large groups of people for money, buying it or pirating it, it is always on my mind. I am surrounded by it. It is my religion. I find God on a daily basis when I push the play button or get my hand stamped at a venue. I pray at the alter of the beat and beat will always save us. Music does not judge. Music does not force interpretation. Music does not think in absolutes. Music is not black or white. Music is the ultimate gray area. It taps into that part of the brain that is not mapped, the last undiscovered frontier. It has such a direct correlation to mood, feelings, energy and affects your state of being in such a way, it makes you feel more human. More alive.
The fact that my life and existence can be summed up in one word can be viewed as an accomplishment in my book. I found something I was good at and loved doing and stuck with it. So many people hate what they do, or live such cut and dry repetitive daily lives that they become numb to the simple things that make life worth living. I remember years ago going to see my dad's acupuncturist and she told that my aura radiated music. She asked if I did anything that related to music and I told her that because of my love of music

I was considering becoming a dj (it was a long time ago). I was kind of shocked that she could tell me that since she never met me before, but it just flowed out of me at the time. Since then, what was once a stream has become a raging river. So, I am incredibly thankful that I have such a connection to it, have it as an outlet, and use it as a form of natural drug. I mean creating a beat or rocking a crowd gives me such a natural high that borders on orgasmic at times. It's hard to explain to those that don't get it immediately. Some understand. Some will not.
All that being said, I am incredibly fortunate to be in my position and be doing what I love in such an amazing city. Fuck what you heard.
Seattle is the musical capital of the world. There are so many creative people in this town and we are reaching a point where supporting each other and friendly competition are replacing the old guard of jealousy, conflict, disconnectedness and downright "hating." The cream is rising to the top right now and it is such an amazing thing to be a part of. We have tried to bring artists together with our weekly Jet Set night on Mondays and Members Only functions once a month, and as it stands right now I think we have succeeded far beyond our wildest dreams.
Seattle is on the verge of something special. I can't really tell you exactly what, but everyone can feel it. I sense that we will all be telling our grandkids about the summer of 2009 and when everything began to fall into place. To be here at this point and time. To be a member of an amazing music scene. To be an active part of this golden age that we are embarking upon really puts things into perspective for me. Throughout all the bumps and bruises and rough patches, I can look at myself in the mirror and feel like I am where exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I need to be doing.
And for that I am thankful.