Today is official Record Store Day. It's an important one day a year to take and reflect on how shitty our lives would be if we didn't have our record stores around us. To help you celebrate most Seattle record stores are offering deals to entice even the most hesitant of record diggers. Here's the list of where to be and why (Which I ripped off from Megan Seling at The Stranger. Thank you).
*Both locations of Easy Street will be taking 20% off everything in the store (except exclusive Record Store Items and those items already on sale).
*Both locations of Sonic Boom will have a sidewalk sale, as well as other awesome sales in the store. They're also going to have screenprinting. You can bring an item for screenprinting with you, or buy a t-shirt from them for $5. It's free, but they're asking for donations (all of which will be handed over to the Rock School scholarship fund). And if you take your Ballard store receipt to Bop Street on Ballard Ave, you get 20% off there too. They're also donating 10% of gross sales to the Seattle City School's Music Program.
*All Silver Platters locations will be taking 20% off all new and used vinyl, new DVDs, as well as offering one-day-only DVD specials.
*Everyday Music is taking 10% off all regularly priced new items and 20% off all used CDs, DVDs & vinyl.
*Wall of Sound is taking 18% off everything in the store.
And here's where all the free, live music can be found throughout the day!
Easy Street Records, Queen Anne
3 pm: Dex Romweber Duo
5 pm: The Moondoggies
7:30 pm: Sweet Water
Easy Street Records, West Seattle
9:30 pm: Wolves in the Throne Room ($5, 21+)
Silver Platters, Queen Anne
2 pm: The Romance
3 pm: Barton Carroll
4 pm: The Toadies
Sonic Boom, Ballard
12:00 DJ Woogie "D"
1:00 Peter Blecha
2:00 Say Hi
4:00 Vetiver
5:00 Andy Harms (107.7 the End)
6:00 DJ Stupid Fresh
Sonic Boom, Capitol Hill
2 pm: Cheryl Waters (DJ set)
3 pm: Telekinesis
5 pm: DJ El Torro