Post-Seattle Subsonic Happy Hour this Thursday I will be walking a few feet west over to Neumos to get with the Program...errr...show? and peep my good friends the Physics tear shit up. They are opening for the Massline tag team of Common Market and Blue Scholars and should be coming with some new stuff since they haven't performed in quite a while. Don't get me wrong, I can vibe out with some CM and BS, but I have seen each of them so many times I've lost track (mostly during my chai tea drinking, political scientist days at UW...zing!).
Each act is sure to bring their A game. The new Common Market joint Tobacco Road is a great album and I haven't seen any of that done live, so I'll take full advantage. Plus, a little bird told me some very special guests from our good friends Sportn' Life Records will be perfroming along side them. Blue Scholars have slowly been bumped farther and farther down my playlist these days, due mostly to the fact that Bayani, while being a solid effort, doesn't get above 80 bpms and tends to make my eyelids heavy. Regardless, the Scholars always come correct live and won't disappoint. BUT the Physics are and have been my shit for the last year or so and I've been blessed enough to have spent a couple sessions in the studio with them and know they've been hard at work.
So get your ass down to MOE Bar Thursday for Seattle Subsonic Happy Hour (!!!!) and then join me for some good ol fashioned hippity hop next door.
Oh and by the way...peep The Physics brand spankin new website/blog @ http://www.thephysicsmusic.com/blog/ and tell em I sent ya.
Big ups!

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