Well lucky you.

This Friday January 16th Nectar Lounge is playing host to the first all out funk dance party of the year. I shouldn't even have to say this but I will. This is a can't miss event. If you were one of the poor souls that missed them the last 2 (!!!) times they played here, or missed out on Budos Band for the TSK release, or missed out on the Herbliser in November slap yourself and then get with the program. Nectar throws one hell of a funk concert.
So yeah, Nectar throws a good party blah blah, but let me explain further why this is going to be one of the best concerts of Q1/09. Orgone is going to kill it. I saw them play Bumbershoot this year and I had my own little dance party at the Fishergreen beer garden. Sure I looked like a granola eater at a Phish concert, but I could not have given less of a shit. I am a fiend for the funk. Love it, live it, breath it, spin it, produce it. These guys have got their shit dialed. It is infectious. You can't help but bust out your finest two step within seconds of the first kick drum or horn stab.

Oh you still don't believe me? Fine. Let me break it down further...Orgone is 8 members of the LA funk band/crew Breakestra (sometimes more) coupled with lead singer Fanny Franklin. The band itself is one of the best in the biz. The thing is, Fanny has the soul and organic sound to not only complete the package, but sign, seal and deliver it rushed overnight Fed Ex. Music Man Miles did a great job on the vocals on Breakestra's Ubiquity release "Hit the Floor" but Fanny just brings that extra something I need in a funk 'group'...sass, soul, whatever you wanna call it. The band can jam on and on, seamlessly transitioning from funk classic to dirty breakbeat to flute solo and back. I love that shit. Probably more than most people will ever comprehend. But, it's the extra addition of Franklin that really brings it all together and helps it stand out from the rest. Just peep "Who Knows Who" on their myspace and tell me otherwise. I dare you.
So what are you waiting for??? Peep their music either on their myspace or buy the cd and go get your tixx HERE.
Also, it's Colin Johnson's farewell party *tear*. The man that has brought us all these wonderful nights of funkiness, and who was a true friend to the local music scene, is leaving us for greener pastures (family first!) in LA and he deserves one hell of a bash to go out on . We'll miss ya man!
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